지난 2월 10일(주일) 예배와 친교를 마친 후에
다함께 모여서, 홍요셉 집사님의 생일을 축하하는 시간을 갖았습니다.
축가 후에, 다함께 홍집사님을 위해 기도하는 시간을 갖은 후, 이성흠 목사님께서 기도를 마무리해 주셨습니다.
주님 안에서 복되고 풍성한 시간이었습니다.
On Feb 10 (Lord's Day), after worship service and fellowship,
we were gather together to celebrate deacon Joseph Hong's birthday.
After singing "Happy Birthday" all of us prayed for him then, pastor Sungheum Lee closed the blessing prayer.
In Christ, it was a richly blessed time~
생일축하노래 시간에 즐거워하시는 집사님~
We were singing~ He was enjoying~
축하를 마친 후, 인증샷~ 수기가 우정출연했어요^^
After celebrating him, evidential shot (?)~ Joshua was with them for celebrating him ^^
생일축하케잌 절단식... 꾸욱~
Cake Cutting... Pushing down~
저녁에 간단한 선물 전달식이 별도로 있었지요^^
Separately, the book 'Counterfeit gods' by Rev. Timothy Keller was presented to him~ Happy reading~