작성일 : 13-03-21 21:48
성경공부교재 Bible Study Textbook #2
 글쓴이 : elementary

지난 번에 공부했던 교재 "Big Book, Bible Truths 1"을 곧 끝내고

"Big Book, Bible Truths 2"을 가지고 공부를 이어가려고 해요~

많은 것을 배우고 익히는 시간이 되도록 기도를 부탁드려요~

After finishing the textbook, "Big Book, Bible Truths 1," we will use "Big Book, Bible Truths 2" for the next step.

Please pray for us that we could learn and practice many things from this study.


일반형 뉴스형 사진형 Total 6
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5 성경공부교재 Bible Study Textbook #2 elementary 03-21
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2 성경공부 교재 Bible Study Textbook elementary 11-02
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